Paint Edit: Tips for Choosing Interior Paint

by | Feb 21, 2023 | Stephens Homes, Stephens Living

Choosing the perfect interior paint color and sheen can be a daunting task for many homeowners. The right color and sheen can make a room feel bright, spacious, and inviting, while the wrong color can make a room feel dull and cramped. To help make the decision easier, the following tips should be followed.

Consider the Existing Décor

Before choosing a paint sample, take a close look at the existing décor in the room. Consider the color of the furniture, curtains, rugs, and other accents. This will help you narrow down the color options that will complement the existing décor.

Select a Range of Interior Paint Colors

It’s always a good idea to choose a range of colors that you’re interested in. This can include shades that are lighter or darker than what you initially thought of, or colors that are in the same color family. This will give you more options to consider when you start testing the paint samples. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with a timeless white. White paint surprisingly comes in a large range of options. Read the blog Choosing the Best White Paint for more information!

Get Multiple Paint Sample Cards

When you find a color you like, grab multiple sample cards of that color. This will allow you to see how the color looks in different lighting conditions, which can help you make a better decision.

Test the Interior Paint Samples

Once you’ve selected a range of colors, it’s time to start testing the paint samples. Paint a small portion of each color on the wall or a piece of poster board, and then observe how the color looks in different lighting conditions throughout the day. Be sure to test the paint samples in different parts of the room to see how the color interacts with natural and artificial light.

Narrow Down the Options

After you’ve tested the paint samples, narrow your options to the colors that look best in the room. Consider the overall color palette of the room and how the color will complement the existing décor.

Finally, when choosing a paint color, it is helpful to consider some of the most popular paint colors. Gray and beige are popular neutral colors that can work well with various interior styles. Blue and green undertones are also popular choices for their calming and soothing effects, while yellow and orange can add warmth and energy to a room.

Interior Paint Sheen

When it comes to choosing a paint sheen, homeowners should consider the function of the room. A high gloss sheen can create a modern and sleek look, but it may not be suitable for rooms with a lot of natural light as it can create glare. A satin or eggshell sheen is a popular choice for living areas and bedrooms, providing a subtle shine without being too shiny.

Choosing the perfect interior paint color and sheen requires careful consideration and testing. By keeping in mind the overall color palette of the room and testing paint samples in different lighting conditions, homeowners can choose a color and sheen that will make their room feel inviting and cohesive.

For a detailed explanation of pain sheens, read our blog “Understanding Paint Sheens: A Guide.”


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